作者tonitoni (toni)
標題[問題] Steam Deck下Win11玩DirectX 9遊戲
時間2023-05-15 05:50:09
目的是想要躺著用Steam Deck打MVP baseball 2005^_^
(1)、首先在Steam Deck使用雙系統灌windows 11 2H22。
=〉windows 11 2H22 版本沒問題,
MVP Baseball 2005 requires DirectX 9 and hardware graphics acce
Steam deck提供的最新驅動程式。
DirectX 9.0c。
DirectX End-User Runtime
#Steam deck是用AMD Custom GPU 0405。
原本懷疑是0405不支援部分DirectX 9的遊戲,但我使用Steam Deck下的win11安裝Ste
am ,測試了仙劍奇俠傳四可以玩。
=》有查到MVP MODS的文章說明,
但Steam deck沒有可以這樣的調整解析度方式XD
I have recently come across this problem my self. I found that other people hav
e had the same error message but no solution was ever found for them. With a lot
of trial and error I finally narrowed it down to my Resolution/Refresh rate. I
have an HDMI cable going from my video card to my TV. Inside the video propertie
s is a list of extra resolutions allowed by my HDMI(HD) as well as native PC res
olutions. The game would crash with "mvp baseball 2005 requires directx 9 and ha
rdware graphics acceleration" any time I had a resolution that used interlaced(3
0Hz) instead of progressive scan(60Hz). So 1080i,1920x1080(30Hz) would not work.
But 720p,1176x664 does work. As well as all the native PC resolutions. It took
me all day to figure this out so I thought I would(Hopefully) save somebody else
some time and effort. Hope this helps.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.org.tw), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://ptt.org.tw/Steam/M.1684101022.A.CA2
→ CCWck: 這款真的好玩,模組超多 05/15 08:58
→ CCWck: 要改解析度要用hdmi插電視,但你想躺在床上玩就無法了,試 05/15 09:01
→ CCWck: 試看用Steam串流或moonlight到自己的pc可能簡單一點 05/15 09:01
→ Segal: 主程式改成符合Steam Deck的解析度再試試看? 05/15 09:15
推 litidi: 歐美包養真的很平常嗎? 05/15 09:15 → tonitoni: 感謝哥提供訊息,雖然我知道這程式是修改進入遊戲後, 05/15 09:27
→ tonitoni: 可以調整比賽時候的解析度,還是很興奮的去測試了,殘 05/15 09:27
→ tonitoni: 念,錯誤訊息一樣 05/15 09:27
→ tonitoni: 感謝告知,殘念,安裝完重開機再開啟遊戲還是一樣的錯 05/15 23:56
推 Merzario: 男友上包養網 該放生嗎 05/15 23:56 → tonitoni: 誤訊息。 05/15 23:56