GeForce GRD 535.98 Feedback Thread (Released 5/30/23) Stickied Fixed Gaming Bugs: [Microsoft Flight Simulator] Game may randomly crash when playing in DX12 mode a fter updating to driver 531.41 [4051526] Fixed General Bugs: Monitor may briefly flicker on waking from display sleep if DSR/DLDSR is enabled . [3592260] DSR/DLDSR的老bug了 萬年不修,終於修好了 [SOLIDWORKS 2023] rendering issues when Enhanced Graphics Performance is enabled [4050712] [MAGIX Vegas Pro] Preview not working properly on some notebooks [4067005] [TouchDesigner] Degraded performance using Vulkan [3952439] [Nsight Tools] Abnormal termination that previously required a reboot [4056470] In certain languages, the NVIDIA Control Panel option is missing when right-clic king over the NVIDIA system tray icon [4019721] Open Issues: Toggling HDR on and off in-game causes game stability issues when non-native res olution is used. [3624030] 老bug之1 [GeForce RTX 4090] Watch Dogs 2 may display flickering when staring at the sky [ 3858016] 老bug之3 Increase in DPC latency observed in Latencymon [3952556] 老bug之2,這個比較有感覺,根據回報最早出現在516.94,去年8月的版本 具體就是網頁/任何應用滑一滑會有一個lag spike Applying GeForce Experience Freestyle filters cause games to crash [4008945] Event Viewer logs nvlddmkm error at the end of the OCCT video ram test when memo ry is full [4049182] Small checkerboard like pattern may randomly appear in Chromium based applicatio ns [3992875] [Surface Book/Surface Studio] Dedicated GPU stuck at lowest clock speed when not ebook is running off of battery [4063597] After updating to R530 drivers, certain GeForce RTX 40 series notebook models ma y randomly experience a TDR/black screen [4024853] Some monitors may display random black screen flicker when in Display Stream Com pression mode when using R530 drivers [4034096] [Control][DX12] Cut scenes and videos show tearing and partial jitter [4084000] Fast sync caps the game FPS to the monitors maximum refresh rate [4114157] When using multiple monitors which support adaptive sync, users may see random f licker on certain displays when G-SYNC is enabled after updating to driver 535.9 8 [4138119] 這版本很多人回報會隨機螢幕閃爍,而且跟高偵率有關,所以這個已經馬上被hotfix了,但 官網沒有上。 -> We have identified the root cause and will be providing a fix soon. Stay tune d. EDIT 6/1/23: We just released NVIDIA Hotfix driver v536.09. Click below to learn more: Red Dead Redemption 2 may crash a few minutes after starting the game [4140319] Dead Space (2023) may crash during gameplay after updating to driver 535.98 [414 0545] 未確認的issue LGC2在4K120/HDMI使用下,從睡眠醒來有交握的問題。 結論:萬年老bug也是不少,跟隔壁的硬體加速會黑掉的bug有得比 最主要是我一直遇到lag spike,用的很難過,不過沒有遇到閃爍就是 這版好像還支援了Gen5的Directstoarge 1.2 解壓縮優化 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: tomsawyer ( 臺灣), 06/03/2023 08:13:10
mayolane: 蘇媽老黃貼貼118.161.5.33 06/03 08:23
DsLove710: 這版螢幕會不定時閃黑,不少人有回報223.138.6.94 06/03 08:38
SHR4587: 怎麼兩家老毛病都差不多== 06/03 08:45
jan58912: 這版螢幕剛開機時真的會沒有規律的突然223.136.152.36 06/03 08:47
jan58912: 閃爍223.136.152.36 06/03 08:47
※ 編輯: tomsawyer ( 臺灣), 06/03/2023 08:51:00 ※ 編輯: tomsawyer ( 臺灣), 06/03/2023 08:56:42
thepowers: 這版真的怪怪的,我兩台退回53236.234.54.194 06/03 09:05
ltytw: 還好 對我來說還是一下就修好了 反114.33.46.227 06/03 09:16
bartwang: 這版網路已經有報,螢幕閃黑122.117.186.58 06/03 09:18
weltschmerz: 所以這版高刷閃爍也修正了? 06/03 10:00
沒修,但hotfix據說有修,官網沒上,放在客服網頁裡 ※ 編輯: tomsawyer ( 臺灣), 06/03/2023 10:18:54
bluehappy: 開機黑屏閃爍+1 感謝資訊晚點更新看看 06/03 10:44
yenchieh1102: tuf3090更新了四天,沒開HDR,有開 06/03 10:51
yenchieh1102: Gsync,沒閃沒黑螢幕留個參考 06/03 10:51
narukaza: 535.50剛流出就去搞來用了,前天更新到 06/03 11:09
narukaza: 535.98,確實沒閃黑問題 06/03 11:09
peoples: 政治圈一堆包養好嗎 06/03 11:09
mrme945: hotfix官方公告 06/03 11:23
mrme945: 結果沒附下載連結...還要去reddit找 06/03 11:23
mrme945: 06/03 11:23
mrme945: 找錯地方了,這 06/03 11:26
mrme945: 才是驅動官方頁面 06/03 11:26
wilmer: 有錢人一堆包養好嗎 06/03 11:26
Tsukasayeo: 索尼電視的音效問題有放在Reddit討論 06/03 12:54
Tsukasayeo: 串處理中,結果Release Note完全沒提 06/03 12:55
jay920314: 有推薦穩一點的版本嗎118.165.185.118 06/03 13:28
nagi85469: 高dpc延遲問題修好了再叫我(ry 06/03 15:36
crono0: 閃黑沒遇到 喚醒沒畫面倒是有 06/03 16:41
badlip: 學生妹被包養多嗎 06/03 16:41
fokchiwai199: 驅動這種東西就是沒問題就別更新 06/03 17:53