23 - Trayce Jackson-Davis
6-9, 245 Power Forward/Center
Indiana Senior
Birthday 02/22/00 (23.4 yrs)
Hometown Greenwood, IN
High School Center Grove
備註:在2023 NBA選秀聯合試訓中,
NBA Comparison: Jaylin Williams/Trey Lyles
Strengths: TJD stepped up this season becoming one of the most productive
players in the country, solidifying himself as the draft’s top senior
prospect … Bigtime athlete with explosive leaping ability and very good
second leaping for rebounds … Dissects defenses with high-post and
short-roll playmaking, as well as terrific vision out of low-post double
teams … Doubled his assist numbers from two to four in his senior season …
Elite shot blocker and rim-protector with his remarkable leaping ability and
defensive instincts. Ranked fourth in D-1 with 2.9 blocks per game …
Excellent mobility and athleticism on both ends of the floor … Tied for
sixth at the NBA Combine with a 33-inch standing vertical leap … Outstanding
pick-and-roll screener with the terrific lateral quickness to quickly shift
directions and get up for lobs around the rim … Creates shots in isolations
with twitchy lateral movement and the speed to get around his defender and to
the rim. Can exploit mismatches against less mobile centers in the NBA as a “
small ball” five … Switchable defender with a 7’1 wingspan … Deep bag of
post moves over either shoulder. Long arms allow him turn post spins into
dunks with deep enough positioning … Highlight finisher around the rim with
the acrobatics and athleticism to throw down reverse slams and contour his
body around rim-protectors. Ferocious above-the-rim athlete … Excellent rim
runner who can finish anything thrown near the rim … Runs the floor
masterfully in transition with speed and intelligence … Energetic rebounder,
especially on the offensive end, who averaged 2.8 offensive boards in his
four-year career with the Hoosiers … Stayed out of foul trouble his entire
career with less than two fouls committed per game … Experienced and
productive two-way player who will contribute immediately at the next level …
Lefty with smooth, underrated shooting stroke who may be able to extend his
range over time …
Weaknesses: Three point shot has not shown much development, raising question
marks about his ability to add that to his repertoire, although teammates
rave of his work ethic and desire to get better, so I wouldn’t put anything
past him … Despite working hard in the offseason, he didn’t even attempt a
3-pointer in his senior season, though perhaps that was following his role
and coaching strategy … Only went 0-3 in his career from long distance …
Free-throw percentage remained steady around 68% for Jackson-Davis’s entire
career … Already 23 years old … Currently seen as an undersized five
without the shooting threat to play as a four … Will need to make up for his
in-between size with dominance off the dribble and competitive leaping
ability with larger centers as a smaller five
員,缺乏四號位的投射威脅... 作為一名身材較小的五號位球員,要以控球能力和彈跳能
Outlook: One of the most productive forwards in college basketball over the
last three seasons …Jackson-Davis will flourish in a middle of the floor/top
of the key playmaking role that utilizes his terrific court vision and
decisive decision-making in the middle of the floor. A two-man game with an
elite PG and TJD reading the defense in the center of the offense can exploit
defenses and create countless open looks for a 3-shooter system around him.
Teams will have to respect his post scoring dominance in this scenario,
bringing continuity and countless options to a brilliant offensive minded
coach. A role similar to Draymond Green in GS or Domantas Sabonis role in
Sacramento is the perfect way to incorporate him into the offense.
是讓他扮演類似Draymond Green在金州勇士隊或Domantas Sabonis在沙加緬度國王隊的角
Notes: Measured 6’8.25” barefoot, 8’10” standing reach, 240.4 lbs, and a 7
’1 wingspan at the 2023 NBA Draft Combine … 4x All-Big Ten Selection …
Consensus All-American in 2022-23 … Averaged 20.9 PTS and 10.8 REB as a
senior for Indiana … Holds school records for career rebounds and blocks.
Ranks third in career points and double-doubles … One of five players in Big
Ten history to register 2,000 career points and 1,000 career rebounds …
McDonald’s All-American game participant … Won gold medal with Team USA in
2018 FIBA Americas Championship … Son of former Pacers player Dale Davis …
英寸,體重為240.4磅,翼展為7英尺1英寸...四次入選Big Ten最佳陣容...在2022-23賽
...在Big Ten歷史上成為五位實現生涯2000分和1000個籃板的球員之一...參加過麥當勞
Derek Bast 6/6/23
※ 文章網址: https://ptt.org.tw/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1689222840.A.9CC
→ Broyz: 的確有可能是一偷,掉到二輪尾還沒球隊要,只能說是沒外線 07/13 12:40
→ Broyz: 又不夠高,加上年紀大吧 07/13 12:40
推 c27932589: 我三月有發一篇他的選秀觀察 大部分人也是不希望選他 07/13 13:09
→ c27932589: 所以差點落選很正常吧 畢竟超大齡+0外線 07/13 13:09
推 awaeleven: 高的天花板想阿爹 07/13 15:40
推 Muzaffer: 未看先猜這包養網 07/13 15:40 → Kai877: 跟現在的meta不符合吧,但看球探報告跟現在魯尼很像 07/13 16:18
推 a851315: 土雞蛋下一場有機會上場嗎 07/13 16:59
推 idk33: c大 主要當初是用首輪中段簽去看 現在用二輪拿下倒是不錯 07/13 17:07
推 kaede0711: 不出手這點算隱憂就是 07/13 17:25
推 feeling00480: 是說TJD夏聯怎麼都DNP? 07/13 17:36
推 MIJice: 一定又是這包養網 07/13 17:36 推 KThompson: 我現在才知道他是老戴的兒子 07/13 17:40
→ KThompson: 儘管在休賽季努力訓練,但整個生涯三分是3投0中...果然 07/13 17:49
推 hank7218: 勇士這幾年選秀,我是看不出來有偷到什麼過 07/13 18:58
推 stephen0522: 球探眼光不比以前了 07/13 18:59
推 c27932589: 普爾阿 一大偷 07/13 19:34
推 SpyTime: 包養平台不意外 07/13 19:34 推 taiwanrules: 魯尼也沒外線啊 重點是其他能力夠不夠彌補拖空間這 07/13 19:40
→ taiwanrules: 個缺點 07/13 19:40
推 karmel: 他明天蠻可能會打的 希望加油 07/13 20:22
→ karmel: 他的技能包適合他發揮的球隊沒很多 勇士算是完全適合 07/13 20:22
→ karmel: 他當初大多預計都是至少首輪尾巴 可能掉到二輪中前段這樣 07/13 20:24
推 Toth: 覺得包養網EY嗎 07/13 20:24 → karmel: 結果差點落選 07/13 20:24
→ karmel: 雖然聽說是當初勇士在二輪剛開始就在操盤要把他簽進來了 07/13 20:25
→ karmel: 有些二輪前段球隊好像有問他說如果被選到願不願意簽雙向 07/13 20:25
→ karmel: 但他拒絕 因為勇士有給他正式名單複數年保障 07/13 20:25
→ karmel: TJD的經紀人就是MDJ的弟弟XD 07/13 20:28
推 Asterix: 包養網站葉配啦 07/13 20:28 → karmel: 當初Bell二輪被看上第一年也打得有聲有色 可惜後來自己把 07/13 20:29
→ karmel: 自己搞掉 07/13 20:29
→ karmel: 他低位能力不錯 在吃餅外偶爾應該也能用大打小得分 07/13 20:35
→ karmel: TJD的部分 07/13 20:35
→ karmel: 投籃部分很糟糕 也不期望能養起來 但現在技能包繼續磨練進 07/13 20:36
推 AdamShi: 記者收了包養網多少啦 07/13 20:36 → karmel: 步就會超好用了 07/13 20:36
推 Plato12: 二輪福袋當抽獎 上場兌現一些表現就賺了 07/13 20:39
推 charles72108: 夏聯明天 TJD會打 07/13 21:00
→ charles72108: 之前不打是右腿筋有傷 勇士讓他傷全好再打 07/13 21:02
推 st8911012: 希望多少能分擔魯綠的工作 07/13 22:46
推 lezabo: 包養真亂 07/13 22:46 → karmel: 期待TJD首秀 希望跟Podz能搭得起來~ 07/14 07:38
→ karmel: 但好像沒先發? 07/14 07:38
推 AkiMegumi: 今天有打 07/14 07:39
→ AkiMegumi: 先發 07/14 07:39
→ ayoung39: 不是32號那位嗎 07/14 07:39
推 silberger: 演藝圈一堆包養好嗎 07/14 07:39 → karmel: 哦哦有先發 07/14 07:40
→ karmel: 開場表現很讚欸 07/14 07:40
→ karmel: 馬上就展現出傳球跟火鍋能力 07/14 07:42
→ karmel: 但finish一直放槍XD 07/14 07:43
推 AkiMegumi: 習慣一下比賽感覺 07/14 07:44
推 xayile: 政治圈一堆包養好嗎 07/14 07:44 → karmel: 被打爆XD 火箭天賦不同等級 07/14 07:52
推 Broyz: 勇士除了先發幾個箭頭,其他真的沒亮點了 07/14 07:55
推 ja860325: 對面其實只剩Whitmore是選秀球員而已 07/14 08:02
→ ja860325: 看Podz體能慘成這樣 然後對面Whitmore像頭牛一樣… 07/14 08:03
→ karmel: 有追上了 TJD還不錯 07/14 08:04
推 cazo: 有錢人一堆包養好嗎 07/14 08:04 推 Broyz: 被射的滿臉豆花 07/14 08:10
推 AkiMegumi: 防守可以阿 07/14 08:10
推 AkiMegumi: 火箭天賦太好了 07/14 08:13
→ karmel: TJD真的有料 跟Podz搭配也還不錯 07/14 08:55
→ karmel: LQ這場鐵 07/14 08:58
推 izilo: 學生妹被包養多嗎 07/14 08:58 → karmel: TJD防守不錯 進攻跑位跟擋拆也都很不錯 還能傳球 07/14 09:01
推 Broyz: 火箭今天三分有夠豪洨 07/14 09:01
→ Broyz: 準 07/14 09:01
→ karmel: 沒意外至少會比智將好用不少 07/14 09:02
推 LA8221: 開始期待他作為第三中鋒了 07/14 09:10
推 SEDAP: 有錢人為啥都想包養 07/14 09:10 → karmel: 他新人賽季說不定上場時間還比Podz多 07/14 09:11
推 AkiMegumi: 白魔防守好頂 07/14 09:12
推 Dragonfly168: 當時希望能選白魔多於Podz... 不過選了就好好練 07/14 09:30
→ han726: 完全不會想選whitmore 今天場上就他一個能打數據當然長這 07/14 09:31
→ han726: 樣 看一下他跟amen配那一場有多悲劇 07/14 09:31
推 TUZom: 有錢人為啥都想包養 07/14 09:31 推 benboy: 白魔不是有健康疑慮? 我勇不敢賭也好 07/14 09:31
推 Dragonfly168: 不賭的原因能懂。 但他之前跟今天的表現,真的有點 07/14 09:36
→ Dragonfly168: 東西。 希望他能持續健康下去。 07/14 09:36
推 ja860325: 14分11板 我知道命中率低 但Podz哪一場命中率高了XD 07/14 09:37
→ Dragonfly168: 選了Podz也不錯。 畢竟火箭今天上場的球員經驗都不 07/14 09:37
推 Jiulon: 亞洲最大包養網上線啦 07/14 09:37 → Dragonfly168: 錯。 希望今年又是奪冠的一年 07/14 09:37
推 han726: 還是老話一句 Don’t go crazy over Summer League lol 07/14 09:38
→ ja860325: 原本還以為有6‘5 結果看起來有6’2就很好了 接下來的 07/14 09:39
→ ja860325: 一年大概要搭不少接駁車來回SC跟SF了 07/14 09:39
推 Dragonfly168: 當然, 但看有機會選上的對手打的不錯,自然會唸一 07/14 09:40
推 laetuon: 我哥上包養網被我抓包.. 07/14 09:40 → Dragonfly168: 下。 我們選的人有天賦,也符合球隊規劃,但看來需 07/14 09:40
→ Dragonfly168: 要點時間練。 07/14 09:40
→ ja860325: 同意XDD 只是這個setting下表現被完爆心情鬱悶而已 07/14 09:41
→ Dragonfly168: 被完爆、心情鬱卒 +1 07/14 09:42
→ han726: 體測裸足6-4啊 這沒法騙人的東西 6-2什麼鬼 07/14 09:42
推 slot365: 有人包養過洋鬼子嗎 07/14 09:42 → karmel: 白魔有健康疑慮真的不適合要win now的賭 07/14 09:47
推 Dragonfly168: TDJ 還不錯,但不知是否第一次打這強度跟剛傷後回 07/14 09:53
→ Dragonfly168: 來,覺得傳導跟判讀可以更好 07/14 09:53
→ karmel: TJD前面放槍幾次後進攻狀況也很不錯 吃餅都有到位 07/14 09:55
→ karmel: 傳球能力也有 而且防守好 07/14 09:55
推 colortea: 有錢人為啥都想包養 07/14 09:55 → karmel: 還剩下一場比賽 不知道Podz跟TJD會不會上 07/14 09:57
推 Superman007: mc 2.0 07/14 09:58
推 Dragonfly168: 其實第一場表現算合格以上,可能我太想勇士今年能 07/14 09:58
→ Dragonfly168: 奪冠了,冀望每個新秀都是先發級的主戰力了 07/14 09:58
→ Dragonfly168: 今年換了CP3後,心情怪怪的,又面對一堆人嫌我們主 07/14 10:00
推 glenber: 有人被洋鬼子包養過嗎 07/14 10:00 → Dragonfly168: 力老,唉! 真希望快點打他們臉! 07/14 10:00
→ karmel: TJD擋人也不錯 07/14 10:05
推 tailsean: 要天賦我們還有一個阿嘎耶 07/14 10:42
推 ja860325: Podz看起來根本不是即戰力 光在夏聯就體能劣勢成這樣 07/14 12:52
→ ja860325: 這格子寧願留給PBJ 07/14 12:52
推 Kimbel: 到底要多有錢才會想包養 07/14 12:52 推 b98502071: Podz本來就不預期是即戰力啊,而且這個賽季估計沒什麼 07/14 13:22
→ b98502071: 時間給他練,剛好可以下發展聯盟好好磨練,等明年CP3 07/14 13:23
→ b98502071: 被裁掉,就可以上來驗收看看成果 07/14 13:23
推 Superman007: 其實我覺得Podz只是需要一些時間適應而已,大學能砍 07/15 07:36
→ Superman007: 20分不會是空穴來風 07/15 07:36
推 tale1890: 閨蜜上包養網還推薦我... 07/15 07:36 推 leoncurry30: 找CoJo來就代表沒急著要Podz輸出了 07/15 16:00
→ leoncurry30: TJD本來就會是即戰力,大學打那麼久了,閱讀能力一定 07/15 16:00
→ leoncurry30: 好很多 07/15 16:00
→ karmel: 就看B2B能不能給Podz上多一點 07/15 18:07
→ Hao83369: Pod已經有人說他是寒冰射手了XDD 冰死自家人 07/17 10:35
推 waterway: 包養? 07/17 10:35 推 Hao83369: 場均2.9鍋卻不到2犯 好像蠻有意思的 不過我看到他在夏 07/17 10:41
→ Hao83369: 聯時的罰球動作感覺不太看好他長出中長距離投射…罰球 07/17 10:41
→ Hao83369: 維持在七成上下就不錯了 不要比魯超還差 07/17 10:41
推 tea41207: 大家對新人多點耐心吧!真的沒必要一直在那邊唱雖 08/08 09:35