作者subetu (Subetu)
標題[討論] 摘要演員工會罷工訴求、雙工會罷工近況
時間2023-07-17 18:08:56
ariachiang大好心譯介的‘Orange Is the New Black’ Supporting Cast Say They
Were Never Fairly Compensated for Netflix Hit 比較沒背景知識的介紹,故摘錄
Reddit Television板關於演員工會罷工的高upvote數討論,方便理解並避免已知謬論:
1. 2%串流影劇的收益。
2. 提升基本收入。
導演工會已經談妥的一樣訴求,資方開價合約的首年開始,提升5%,4% and 3.5%.
演員工會不愧是演員工會,還價11%, 4% and 4%.
7/11,Deadline刊出文章:"Hollywood Studios’ WGA Strike Endgame Is To Let Writers Go Broke Before Resuming Talks In Fall"
“The endgame is to allow things to drag on until union members start losing
their apartments and losing their houses,” a studio executive told Deadline.
Acknowledging the cold-as-ice approach, several other sources reiterated the
statement. One insider called it “a cruel but necessary evil.”
這些話在Reddit upvote上萬的討論被大舉嘲諷,比為卡通反派或更糟糕:Lex Luthor(應
7/13 "Disney CEO Bob Iger Says Writers and Actors Are Not Being ‘Realistic’
With Strikes" Disney CEO Bob Iger 一定要這當下受訪,說雙工會罷工,不太合乎實際
。立即被連結在一塊。"Says one of the leading AMPTP members a day after they
planted a story in Deadline that they want labor to go homeless before
negotiating again."引來Reddit Television板一整串仇富評論。
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.org.tw), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://ptt.org.tw/EAseries/M.1689588538.A.A28
噓 sonans: 你有什麼證據deadline是親資方,而且是「受命放話」? 07/17 18:18
推 sampsonlu919: 推整理 Iger以前不是以和為貴,怎麼這次遇到雙罷工 07/17 18:18
→ sampsonlu919: 弄到晚節不保? 07/17 18:18
噓 sonans: 而且iger是說他們的要求「不實際」。 07/17 18:27
推 petestar: Sonans那邊台灣中國的人不要以為我們不記得你在帶風向 07/17 18:52
推 riokio: 到底要多有錢才會想包養 07/17 18:52 → petestar: 你噓別人整理好的文作什麼?自己好好找資料發一篇 07/17 18:52
噓 sonans: 不好意思,原來我不能懷疑來源。原來「親資方」跟「受命」 07/17 19:05
→ sonans: 這種話是可以隨便亂說的。 07/17 19:05
→ sonans: 那我合理懷疑,subetu是親勞方,受命放話帶風向抹黑資方。 07/17 19:05
→ petestar: 言論自由不是給你濫用在這種地方上啦。破事這麼多以為我 07/17 19:07
推 wiimas: 閨蜜上包養網還推薦我... 07/17 19:07 → petestar: 們不記得喔?想再被捅你可以更激動一點 07/17 19:07
→ sonans: 他可以說我為什麼不能說? 07/17 19:10
→ subetu: 改一下好了,我寫出Reddit該用戶的用語 07/17 19:29
→ subetu: Iger訪談只有第一句:"not being “realistic” with their 07/17 20:48
→ subetu: with their expectations."是你以為的意思,後面講的話引 07/17 20:51
推 Branlli: 包養? 07/17 20:51 → subetu: 來大量嘲諷,該文討論從仇富到CEO薪資不務實,開始檢討豪 07/17 20:52
→ subetu: 宅。只有講第一句不會這樣。 07/17 20:53
推 p520888: 推推 07/18 00:23