Catcher Danny Jansen and the Tampa Bay Rays are in agreement on a one-year, $8.5 million contract that includes a mutual option for a second season, sources tel l ESPN. Jansen, who has played in Toronto and Boston, remains in the AL East. On it: @ByRobertMurray and @TBTimes_Rays. 捕手Danny Jansen與光芒簽下一年8.5M合約 並且有第二年的共同選擇權 這是他生涯第三支球隊 在待過藍鳥、紅襪後 繼續待在美聯東區 來源: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:
punk1799: 光芒竟然簽下MLB百年歷史第一人! 12/07 02:42
o012: 看成Johnny Damon 12/07 07:54
blacksun: 看成J.Damon證明你快瞎了 12/07 08:43
polanco: 樓上XDDDD 12/07 09:09
TopGun2: 還好不是看成 Jason Giambi 12/07 09:20
eee60109: 光芒有錢 12/07 09:28
sh3312037: 二號捕手也要8.5了 12/07 09:39