※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1Zymmy9I ] 作者: pneumo (超☆冒險蓋) 看板: NBA 標題: [花邊] 老巴跟嘴綠說:你們勇士完了 沒救了 時間: Mon Feb 20 13:59:21 2023 來源:AwfulAnnoucing 網址:https://reurl.cc/a1547l Charles Barkley tells Draymond Green the Warriors are ‘cooked’ on NBA All-Star Game broadcast 在明星賽轉播時 老巴跟嘴綠說勇士完了 Sunday night’s 2023 NBA All-Star Game coverage in Salt Lake City featured the main broadcast on TNT, and an Inside the NBA-themed broadcast on TBS. Ernie Johnson, Charles Barkley, Shaquille O’Neal, and Kenny Smith worked in the booth. Additionally, Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green served as a sideline reporter for the TBS crew. 今年的明星賽在鹽湖城舉行,由TNT轉播。主持人Ernie Johnson,老巴,Shaq跟Kenny Smith在棚內,勇士的嘴綠當場邊的記者。 Well, late in the fourth quarter, things got a little awkward for Green on the broadcast. 在第四節末時,在轉播時有些尷尬的事情發生了。 The always honest Barkley told Green, “The Golden State Warriors are cooked. ” 老實老巴跟嘴綠說:「金州勇士完蛋了。」 Green responded, “That’s crazy. You said that last year, but we all know you don’t know what you’re talking about.” 嘴綠回說:「那太瘋狂了,你去年也這樣說,但是我們大家都知道你自己都不知道自己 講什麼東西。」 Barkley: “Y’all are cooked now… ya’ll are done… I’m telling you, y’all are done.” 老巴:「你們現在完蛋啦~~你們沒救了~~我跟你們大家說,你們勇士沒救了~~」 影片https://streamable.com/rn6g8i -- 勇士:喔喔喔喔喔喔喔~~~一股力量灌進來!!!!! 咖哩:我腳好了!!!!!!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.org.tw), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://ptt.org.tw/NBA/M.1676872764.A.252
JL46 : 感謝p大首肯...小的將本文轉貼至勇士板,再次致謝~ 02/21 22:34
idk33: 不得不信你巴天師 02/21 23:41
dream6789: 推XDD 02/22 00:36
bycarbird: 謝謝巴爵士XD 02/22 01:00
yeustream: 老巴真愛勇士,謝謝老巴 02/22 02:39
fuoya: 有沒有富二代要包養 02/22 02:39
cjia102: 先說謝謝了 02/22 07:56
KThompson: 鐵桿腦勇迷巴爵士 02/22 09:44
rivafann: 毒奶界我只信老巴 02/22 11:07
waderu: 嘴綠賺到這句話記大功一件,下半季穩了 02/22 11:14
opse1020: 詠唱加持! 02/23 08:20
Apasiri: 身邊有朋友被包養 02/23 08:20
sammy5062: 看看這波明星賽調整,能不能有好的契機 02/23 10:56
cyesgin: 哇操 大禮包 02/23 18:51