作者JL46 ( <(′皿`)y-~ )
標題Fw: [外絮] K湯: 去年這個時候我才剛開始可以慢跑
時間2022-05-27 20:48:35
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1Ya7rusG ]
作者: pneumo (超☆冒險蓋) 看板: NBA
標題: [外絮] K湯: 去年這個時候我才剛開始可以慢跑
時間: Fri May 27 15:27:49 2022
來源: SI
Klay Thompson Reacts to His Resilient Return to NBA Finals
There was a time where even Klay Thompson, himself, questioned whether or not
he'd be back.
After two years and a pair of catastrophic injuries, surgeries and recoveries
later, though, Thompson and the Golden State Warriors are back in the NBA
Finals — their sixth trip in eight seasons.
"Just such a surreal feeling. It's hard to put into words really," Thompson
said after the game. "They would tell me it'd pay off and it was hard to see
that at the time but now to actually be here, I can feel it paying off."
For Thompson, after suffering a torn ACL in the 2019 NBA Finals against the
Toronto Raptors, the former Washington State guard tore his Achilles tendon
just weeks before the beginning of the 2021 season. Needless to say, his
journey back to the NBA — let alone the Finals – has been a tumultuous
"This time last year, I was just starting to jog again and get up and down
the court," He said. "And now to be feeling like myself, feeling explosive,
feeling sure of my movements, I'm just grateful."
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.org.tw), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://ptt.org.tw/NBA/M.1653636472.A.D90
※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 05/27/2022 15:32:48
推 JL46 : 感謝p板大首肯,小的將本文轉貼至金州勇士板~ :) 05/27 20:48
推 onetooneya: 感人 05/27 20:49
推 f92174: 舊金山醫龍 牛逼 05/27 20:50
推 xiahself: 嗚嗚 湯加油! 05/27 21:14
推 aapcao: 今天頒獎時 他也講到快哭了 旁邊咖哩也快哭 真的是親兄弟 05/27 21:23
推 peernut: 那個包養網人最多XD 05/27 21:23 → Mamba810824: 努力付出真的感動 難以想像背後的辛苦 05/27 21:34
推 killuaz: 浪花兄弟2人1城 05/27 21:39
推 wangazi: 嗚嗚 看到阿湯重生 真的淚牛滿面 Just do it! 05/27 21:49
推 linchez: 推湯哥 05/27 21:52
→ linchez: 賽季末持球復健真的有用.. 05/27 21:52
推 xikimi: 我妹上包養網被我發現= = 05/27 21:52 推 dream6789: 推 05/27 22:21
推 tailau0: 湯神有打的球季連六年進總冠軍賽! 05/27 22:51
推 aa159159123: KT 05/27 23:01
推 tk88769: 休了好久重返賽場 就跟球隊殺進finals 真的超感動 05/27 23:15
推 pain2: 只要k湯在就有final真的很猛 05/28 00:10
推 Avero: 隔壁桌的人竟然在討論包養... 05/28 00:10 推 QVQ9487: QQ 阿湯哥不哭!加油! 05/28 00:16
推 kaede0711: 真的很喜歡元老三人組場上場下親如兄弟的情誼 05/28 00:30
推 scatman: 湯神真的辛苦了,真的希望今年能拿冠!意義非凡! 05/28 00:31
推 JiaScM: 推Klay,三元老真的缺一不可 05/28 00:36
推 canlest: 看了超感動 真希望能再一次奪冠 05/28 01:41
推 ejoz: 樓上是不是被包養 05/28 01:41 推 xiahself: 嗚嗚頒獎典禮真的好感人 總冠軍加油啊啊 05/28 02:02
推 dragon2000: 好勵志 Final加油 05/28 08:00
→ panjanhon: 真的勵志 能從兩次大傷回來 還能G5這個表現真的強 05/28 10:28
→ panjanhon: 意志力戰勝傷痛 05/28 10:28
→ panjanhon: 多少人簽了大約就擺爛了 05/28 10:29
推 FishRoom: 未看先猜這包養網 05/28 10:29 推 Timmons: 含淚推 05/28 13:44
推 millerjie: 師兄回來了 05/28 14:11
推 Yancy0727: 淚推 05/28 16:09